Practical Life: It’s Elementary, My Dear!

Happiness does not come with things. It comes from work and pride in what you do
– Gandhi 

Dear Cosmic Families,

Dr. Maria Montessori once said that “scientific observation then has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment”. 

Dr. Montessori’s advocates for experience-based learning rather than lecture-based learning, we decided to focus on this in  Parent Academy, “Practical Life: It’s Elementary, My Dear!”

The aim of incorporating experience-based learning is to foster growth within the students and allow them to learn through discovery. Students remember information best when they are allowed to interact with new information on their own first, and then be guided by instructors to reach an understanding. Cosmic’s goal with the elementary program is to nurture social cohesion among our young students, and create a joyful learning environment for everyone. 

Last week, our elementary students made pumpkin pies and distributed them amongst all of our infants and toddlers and primary students for their Thanksgiving Celebration. They made these desserts from scratch and hand delivered them to share with the young students! This was a fantastic way for students to work together towards a common goal, and learn important life skills like sharing, group work, and independent discovery. 

Cosmic Montessori’s goal is to continue this incredible discovery based growth and will continue encouraging its students to learn in different ways!

We love seeing Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision being implemented!

Go, go Cosmic!

Silvia Dei Rossi

Cosmic Montessori School 

Executive Director