Infants and Toddlers Program
Our Montessori Toddler Program focuses on activities that promote personal independence. The students in our young children’s community come to school daily and engage in acitivies that they have seen adults perform in their homes. Some examples are preparing food, setting the table and washing their dishes after mid-morning snack and lunch, They choose from many appealing materials in the areas of language practice, sensorial exploration, care of self, coordinated movement, and the arts.
These activities help the young toddler achieve several meaningful goals:
- Development of strong neurological connections for later intellectual work
- Development of the ability to concentrate and carry out a task in a sequence of steps
- Development of the capability to care for oneself and care for the environment
Annual Morton Arboretum Family Field Trip
Scope of the Infant /Toddler Curriculum
1. Ability to Have Self-Control
Ability to be patient
Learning How to Identify With His/Her Emotions
2. Ability to Care for Oneself
Learns to Feed Him/Herself
Learns to Dress Him/Herself
Learns to Use the Toilet
3. Care for their Environment
4. Care for and Respect Others
Teaches Others
5. Ability to Self-Entertain
Making and Acting on Choices
Performs Focused Activity
6. Experimentation
7. Develop Into a Successful Learner
Enthusiasm and motivation for learning
Determination to reach high standards of achievement
Openness to new thinking and ideas
Creative and Independent
8. Develop Into a Successful Learner
9. Develop into Confident Individuals
Self Respect
Secure Values and Beliefs
A Sense of Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well Being
10. Become Responsible Citizens
11. Concentration
12. Becomes Orderly in Work
13. Problem Solving
14. Learn to Effectively Contribute to Society
Self Reliance
Take Initiative to Lead